Friday, August 10, 2007


I've decided to join the 21-st century and start a blog! I'm always a day late and a dollar short (or however the saying goes...) but hey - at least I'm here!

Why nutty-crunchy girly-girl? 'Cause I think it's kind of funny. I try to be a socially responsible person, etc but man do I love to indulge myself in all sorts of pampering goodies. I'm the girl who went to Bali with a backpack full of six pairs of shoes, full-sized products (scrubs, shampoo, conditioner, etc) and some clothes. Six pairs of shoes, heh? My friends, family, and co-workers all got a kick out of that one. So you're asking yourself...what's so nutty-crunchy about six pairs of shoes :). Well...I had a pair of Keens for water fun, my incredible Ecco hikers, Birks for everyday use, Crocs for the plane (they're baby blue...I love them!), and two pair of flip-flops for just hanging out!


I'm a boring corporate prairie dog by day and an interesting woman by night. Ok...that didn't come out quite like I expected. What I meant to say is...I'm so much more interesting than my day job allows me to be but it pays the bills and keeps my family well-fed. I love my job but if I were to do it all over again, I probably wouldn't choose corporate life. Do you know how funny it is to sit on a bus in the morning, look around you and realize that corporate life is sucking life out of everyone...not just you? I could almost write a book.


Faerie Made said...

you are such a funny woman ... and you are a nutty crunchy girly girl!

Nutty-Crunchy Girly-Girl said...

Hehe! That I am!