Friday, August 24, 2007


What's pale, doughy, and downright scary? Me on a Friday. And today's Friday so yup - you guessed it! I'm tired out from the week (I get pale when tired), feeling rather doughy (the weight loss is going well but I had fair-fare yesterday and chicken pad thai today) and a titch scary (did I mention I was tired? I get awfully cranky when tired...).

Anyway - thank GOD the weekend has zero planned. All I know is the lawn needs mowing (husband's chore) and I need to get to Super Target. That's it! I love weekends like this...nothing planned but a ton of quality time with my family. I hope to finish HBO's Big Love Season 2 and maybe get in a Netflix or two. Curl up on the couch with my honey (said lawn-mower) and stinky dogs and just relax.

But the weekend ends so quickly. Why doesn't the week go that quickly? Not fair!!!! Next week at work is uber-hectic and uber-important. I'll be praying to the god of "make it all work" and we'll see how it goes :).

My eldest starts school in a couple of weeks. He'll be a Senior. I feel old but I'm not. I'm old enough to not be hip and cool anymore (but really...was I ever?) but too young to be fuddy-duddy. Where does that leave me? Oh yeah - middle aged. I love that with age comes wisdom (unless you're stupid). I may by lumpy frumpy dumpy but man have I had some cool experiences. I was thinking about retirement on the drive in to work (isn't it scary how your mind checks out while you're driving?) and for me - the things that are important are experiences and my family. I don't care about clothes or cars or having a big house...I want to have enough to go to the theater, buy good food (not restaurant food - good food I can prepare at home), travel, etc. I want experiences! I want memories of doing things I love - things that challenge me - educate me - entice me.

I've found a new etsy favorite - CS Designs - I bought earrings and had a custom bracelet made to match.

Have a great weekend!!!

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